In recent years we reached the final round twice but in May 2017 we were declared the overall winners when we won the final knockout round. the fifth film was Cluedunnit a comedy drama by Staines Video Makers which was based on the popular board game, the last film was by Weymouth Movie. BEFM is also a member of the IAC and we enter films into the annual IAC North Thames Region Knockout competition, formerly known as the Triangle and 4x4 competition. We have been successful at winning competitions against other local clubs, Staines Video Makers and Reading Film & Video Makers. They may also be considered for entry into external competitions and short film festivals. Films are made by individuals, or collaboratively, and can be entered into internal competitions. the end of the Staines Video Makers Silver Salver Inter-Club Competition that. We make a variety of films including storyline, documentary, general interest and personal films. How about joining the most vibrant video/filmmaking club in Hertfordshire.
The full meetings programme can be found on our Programme Page. Staines Video Makers, Staines, United Kingdom. Several social events are also held during the year to which friends and family members are cordially invited. Meetings involve practical exercises, competitions, production meetings and talks by external speakers. We are a very friendly club, set up to share knowledge, experience and help each other improve our film making skills and techniques.

Bourne End Film Makers (BEFM) is an amateur video makers club and members meet on a regular basis to discuss and produce films. What is The Great Maker 25-Day Gift-Away This is an annual tradition here at JenniferMaker Every day for the first 25 days of December, we gift you with a brand new project, design, tutorial, and video for something YOU asked us to make.